CSV stands of comma separated values.csv files will have the data separated by the delimiter ','.we don't need to use the third party jars for writing data to the CSV files.A Simple straightforward approach is to use the BufferedWriter for writing data to csv files.Lets say we need to create a csv file which has employee details like employee id and name.
We can use the BufferdWriter for this as shown below
As shown in the above code,we used ',' delimiter to separate the data and '\n' operator to create the new line.when we run the above code,csv files will be generated in the specified directory and it will be as shown below
We can use the BufferdWriter for this as shown below
BufferedWriter br =new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("D://test.CSV")); br.write("EMPID,EMPNAME"); br.write('\n'); br.write("E01,John"); br.write('\n'); br.write("E02,George"); br.close(); |
As shown in the above code,we used ',' delimiter to separate the data and '\n' operator to create the new line.when we run the above code,csv files will be generated in the specified directory and it will be as shown below